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Sandy Night By- ZoeyYouRock5971 a 6 chapter story

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Sandy Night By- ZoeyYouRock5971 a 6 chapter story Vote_lcap100%Sandy Night By- ZoeyYouRock5971 a 6 chapter story Vote_rcap 100% 
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Sandy Night By- ZoeyYouRock5971 a 6 chapter story Vote_lcap0%Sandy Night By- ZoeyYouRock5971 a 6 chapter story Vote_rcap 0% 
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Total Votes : 3

Sandy Night By- ZoeyYouRock5971 a 6 chapter story Empty Sandy Night By- ZoeyYouRock5971 a 6 chapter story

Post by ZoeyYouRock5971 Sun May 24, 2009 8:05 am

Chapter 1: We lived by the beach and one night... it started to get horrible! The wind was blowing so hard that it knocked out the power and made us have to get in bed and make everyone fit inside it! When we all got out it was still the same and we got in a secret passage that took us to windworld and we found out that the wind ruler was making this happen! We escaped into the Machine room and kicked the machines over! They were very light but powerful so we got in that secret passage which took us back to our normal place!

Chapter 2: It was finally morning and we sucked out the water with the sucking machine and the water was out! we bought a HUGE fan (huge with all capitals) and dried all the furniture. Everyone went to the mint to get new money and to the paper making staff to get new paper and everywhere else they needed to go that day. It was nighty time and I snuck out of bed to go back to La Push to sleep there that night and the next day I said good-bye to everyone and left back in time for my sister to wake me up! She was shocked that I was already awake. I told her the Secret Story and she never ever told it to anyone.

Chapter 3: At breakfast I got under the table and got into the secret passage to Dizzywood and went to Rat Wraith's castle for breakfast. It was so yummy that I filled myself up and after breakfast we had a meeting and after the meeting I had to go back home and it was just in time to clear my plate and go to high school as a senior 12th grader! It was the first day of school and we met our teachers. My teacher was a hippie who wore normal clothes. She was Mrs. Midnight. When school was out I went into the Secret Passage to BABV and used all my B Bucks and snuck some extra turns. I Brought back all my souvenirs and sold them before my sister came back from work. When she came home I gave her that money to pay for alot of cool stuff. I also warned her to save some of it for emergencies. And to save some of it to pay her boss for boss appreciation day.

Chapter 4: It was nighty time and I snuck back into the secret passage for La Push. In the Morning I fought some enemies and left right in time for my sister to wake me up. She was shocked to see me awake already again! I snuck away from the table to go to the BABV secret passage to go to the coffee shop! I ordered a Neapolitan mocha and some breakfast melts to eat. I paid and left quickly to get ready for school. I went to school and ate lunch in a few hours and dinner in the next few hours. School was over and I went to my Stardoll secret passage. It was not long enough before I found the cyclops alien store. I bought myself some stuff and left. I went home and hung the mirror and cut off the tags and took off the stickers and put the makeup and accessories away in my closet. I handwashed my new clothes and dried them at the laundromat and paid and got home and got on my Lady Gaga nightgown. I plugged in my new Lady Gaga alarm and set it and I fell asleep. I woke up and went to the laundromat in my PJ's and I went to the laundromat and got my clothes and left. I got home put my clothes away and did my homework and studied for the CRT's that started today. After Awile It was time for breakfast. I ate got ready for school and left as usual. My friends were surprised. I was the popular girl in class.

Chapter 5: We drank two bottles of water and started testing. I knew every answer to the question asked because I studied. After the CRT's we ate lunch then after lunch we did P.E. (physical education) and after that we ate dinner and we left school. This time... it sand-stormed! We got into the secret passage to sandyworld and snuck into the machine room and knocked over the machines and escaped and went into the secret passage to home! The sandstorm was over! We had no school today so I snuck into my sister's room and went into the secret passage to barbiegirls and called the school to say I was moving and I said bye and wrote a note saying I moved out.

Chapter 6: I moved into my new apartment and put my stuff in and I decorated it. I finished CRT's and I graduated and went to college and graduated. I got a job and I retired alot of years L8TR and when I was 80 I died. My children were with a dad the rest of their lifes until they were 18. For lots of Memorial Days they thought what they were doing was right and they put Mylar balloons on my grave and my husbands grave. One kid got Swine Flu and died lots of years later. One kid got Breast Cancer and died. And the last one got married had kids and took care of them until they were six. Then she got Colon Cancer and died.

New Citizen

Number of posts : 191
Registration date : 2009-03-22
Location : SLC UT

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Sandy Night By- ZoeyYouRock5971 a 6 chapter story Empty Re: Sandy Night By- ZoeyYouRock5971 a 6 chapter story

Post by ZoeyYouRock5971 Sun May 24, 2009 8:14 am

I wrote that whole thing!
New Citizen

Number of posts : 191
Registration date : 2009-03-22
Location : SLC UT

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Sandy Night By- ZoeyYouRock5971 a 6 chapter story Empty Re: Sandy Night By- ZoeyYouRock5971 a 6 chapter story

Post by ZoeyYouRock5971 Mon May 25, 2009 2:45 am

and it's fiction!
New Citizen

Number of posts : 191
Registration date : 2009-03-22
Location : SLC UT

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Sandy Night By- ZoeyYouRock5971 a 6 chapter story Empty Re: Sandy Night By- ZoeyYouRock5971 a 6 chapter story

Post by ZoeyYouRock5971 Mon May 25, 2009 3:27 am

If you take a look at it please post something ok?
New Citizen

Number of posts : 191
Registration date : 2009-03-22
Location : SLC UT

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Sandy Night By- ZoeyYouRock5971 a 6 chapter story Empty Re: Sandy Night By- ZoeyYouRock5971 a 6 chapter story

Post by Chanel Mon May 25, 2009 3:48 am

It's kidof sad, but good job! Smile
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Sandy Night By- ZoeyYouRock5971 a 6 chapter story Empty Re: Sandy Night By- ZoeyYouRock5971 a 6 chapter story

Post by Guest Mon May 25, 2009 5:01 pm

That's sad.


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Sandy Night By- ZoeyYouRock5971 a 6 chapter story Empty Re: Sandy Night By- ZoeyYouRock5971 a 6 chapter story

Post by ZoeyYouRock5971 Tue May 26, 2009 7:20 am

now vote if you haven't!
New Citizen

Number of posts : 191
Registration date : 2009-03-22
Location : SLC UT

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Sandy Night By- ZoeyYouRock5971 a 6 chapter story Empty Re: Sandy Night By- ZoeyYouRock5971 a 6 chapter story

Post by ZoeyYouRock5971 Mon Jun 15, 2009 4:21 am

Guest?? Weird!!!!!! I haven't seen that B4!
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Number of posts : 191
Registration date : 2009-03-22
Location : SLC UT

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Sandy Night By- ZoeyYouRock5971 a 6 chapter story Empty Re: Sandy Night By- ZoeyYouRock5971 a 6 chapter story

Post by Admin Wed Jun 17, 2009 2:56 am

Zoey, ohh i see what you mean. A guest must have posted. Okie let's stay on topic again :]

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Sandy Night By- ZoeyYouRock5971 a 6 chapter story Empty Re: Sandy Night By- ZoeyYouRock5971 a 6 chapter story

Post by molz Thu Jun 18, 2009 11:35 pm

no no, that was me... i went on my deleted account.... you see i went on my account then you deleted the account i was on, so it put my name to guest
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Sandy Night By- ZoeyYouRock5971 a 6 chapter story Empty Re: Sandy Night By- ZoeyYouRock5971 a 6 chapter story

Post by ZoeyYouRock5971 Sat Jun 20, 2009 5:23 am

ohhhhh. problem solved. now lets stay on topic.
New Citizen

Number of posts : 191
Registration date : 2009-03-22
Location : SLC UT

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Sandy Night By- ZoeyYouRock5971 a 6 chapter story Empty Re: Sandy Night By- ZoeyYouRock5971 a 6 chapter story

Post by ZoeyYouRock5971 Sat Jun 20, 2009 5:26 am

Promise this time! After this lets stay on topic! I have a few more munutes B4 I have to say bye bye! Because I need only one window open. Actually right now. Bye bye!
New Citizen

Number of posts : 191
Registration date : 2009-03-22
Location : SLC UT

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Sandy Night By- ZoeyYouRock5971 a 6 chapter story Empty Re: Sandy Night By- ZoeyYouRock5971 a 6 chapter story

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